A guide for L.A. Noire case The White Shoe Slaying. Follow this guide to find all the clues, answer all the questions correctly, and get a five-star rating.A brief intro to this Homicide Desk case, and you’re off to the crime scene to begin the case.
Crime Scene
When you arrive at the crime scene, there will be a cut-scene describing the case. During the cut-scene, you will get the clue: Time of death. Then you need to start looking for clues on your own. Investigate the body. Look at the head and move it to the right to find the clue: Laundry label. You can check the arms, but there are no other clues on the body. Move on to marker B to find the clue: Boot prints. Look at marker C to find the clue: Tire tracks.
After you have found these clues, head over to use the telephone. Another cut-scene will start. After the cut-scene, it’s time to question a neighbor Catherine Barton:
- Suspicious person >> Choose “Truth.” This will give you a new POI: disfigured man, and a new location to investigate: Hobo camp.
After you question Barton, go use the telephone to find the location of the laundry and the hobo camp. After you get your locations updated, head over to Superior Laundry Services to continue the case.
Superior Laundry Services
When you arrive at Superior Laundry Services, head to the back to talk to the man at the desk. The man produces the register for you to look through. This will give you the clue: Laundry ledger. You are looking for Ticket # F1363 — 1 Green Silk Dress. This will update your information for the victim. Head to the victim’s house at 43 Emerald Street.